Cuba? What's that?
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Cuba? What's that?
On 19/11/2011 12:04 PM,
On Fri, 18 Nov 2011 17:37:34 -0500, X ` Man
What a surprise…Cain doesn't know anything about Cuba, either:
He really needs handlers.
All you need to know about Cuba to be successful in South Florida is
that Castro is a tyrant, the embargo needs to be maintained (except
for ExPats who send money home) and that the US should keep treating
the refugees as special cases.
Basically the same failed policy that the US has had for 50 years.
0bama found ways to ruin it faster. Canadians are ****ed, not so much
about the $5.50 but the insult.
58 state 0bama has no more US relations with Egypt. Middle est no a
rising Muslim Brotherhood without democracy. Egypt election time came
and went, the revolution continues but 0bama has nothing to say is Islam
fundamentalists are now in control and democracy is dead.
Israel is ****ed off, as are others. But Saudi are happy, they get USA
military protection on the backs of American taxpayers and future debt
to the unborn in America. Saudi and Allah are quite happy.
Lets see, China doesn't lend any new money to USA any more. As the
Bernanke-0bama counterfeit for debt program devalues the USD and
depreciates the Chinese debt unfairly.
Got Russia and China so ****ed both are gearing up their military at a
very fast pace. As clearly US meddles in their affairs and they are now
big enough to say no. With US economically weak, and out of gas, WW III
will be like Rommel running out of gas with a supreme force of tanks.
USA can't even domestically put a man in space any more.
$6 trillion in debt by the first term, another term of 0bama would let
0bama debt-corruption spend more than all presidents before him
combined. It is already impossible for Americans to pay their debts
with really money.
Yep, 0bama is going to be the worst president the USA ever had. Almost
as if this was deliberate and planed.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems as government is
the problem.
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