where do the sons of the rich work?
On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 23:23:17 -0700, Canuck57
On 19/11/2011 8:08 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 17:05:51 -0700,
On 19/11/2011 3:34 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 13:30:09 -0700,
Funny, I came from a single mother and 4 kids poor.
you live in canada. we're talking ab out the US.
canada has a social welfare system. the US has socialism for the rich
I worked both sides of the border, and in just 10 years in the USA I
more than doubled my net worth. Significantly actually.
which is why you live in canada
uh huh
You lazy fleabaggers have it better than you know.
says the guy who lives in 'socialist' canada
while complaining about socialism