where do the sons of the rich work?
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 10:40:28 -0500, BAR wrote:
In article ,
On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 16
What a stupid post. How many poor kids end up working in the family
business? JPS is incapable of serious thought...
let me type this slowly so you can read it
did you see how many RICH kids work for dad? almost ALL of them
how many poor kids work for dad? almost none.
and yet they stay poor. america USED to be the land of opportunity
not any more
thanks right wing
Sitting around and whining about what others have isn't going to do
anything to change your lot in life. Get off your ass and make something
of your life.
yeah tell it to jefferson, washington etc. all they did was sit around
whining about what the british were doing...
you guys crack me up. you're SUCH suck ups to the rich...sycophants,
who think that your asses need to be gored so the rich can stay rich
you're sheep.
Life is never going to be fair, don't wait for it to become fair, don't
preach about how we need fairness just get off your ass and do for
yeah. we should have just kept slavery. life isnt fair, right?
you want to return to being a british subject?