On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 13:13:50 -0800 (PST) , North Star
On Nov 20, 3:32*pm, Drifter wrote:
On 11/20/2011 1:23 PM, North Star wrote:
On Nov 20, 9:56 am, *wrote:
In article7def3917-5ac8-44ff-b9ab-
On Nov 19, 4:20 pm, *wrote:
On 11/19/2011 9:46 AM, North Star wrote:
For the dummies in here who keep insisting that the RAV4
and it's
compact SUV catagory are not 'trucks'.
Read the 3rd paragraph re the new Honda CRV.
By the way... just ordered a set of 'TRUCK' catagory all
season tir=
for my RAV4 as recommended by at least three different
Michelin Latitude Touring all season tires *size 225-65R-17
At least one uninformed writer agrees with you. Good find
Donny. I
seriously hope you are thinking of trading your POS Rave-4
for a CRV=
1-20-13 The end of an error
Comsumer Reports has the RAV4 on top of the heap in the
compact SUV
catagory, O' Stinky One.
When you need advice on your next vehicle purchase, just ask
But you said it was a truck, not a compact SUV!!!!- Hide
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I'm quoting reliable sources, dummy.
The RAV4 is a compact SUV and listed under the truck catagory.
Certainly your reliable source is not Toyota. If some bozo wants
to call
it a truck then, I guess that's his prerogative. Why do you
insist on
trying to make us believe it's a truck Donnie. We don't care if
drive a sissy car or a miniature truck, You're still a butt plug.
1-20-13 The end of an error- Hide quoted text -
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Hey, Stinky One...... lets just say that pointing out the stupidiy
some of the bozo's in here (that would be you and a couple others)
my attempt to clean up America and get her flying straight again.
Yur mama must be so proud.
2012, the end of an error:-) Yee Haw!