Yeah, and the right wing doesn't see why the protesters are protesting
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 16:44:00 -0700, Canuck57
On 20/11/2011 1:00 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 11:09:30 -0700,
HAHAHAH you LOVE wall street. you worship it. you believe wall street
corruption is of god. we're becoming like egypt, with a small rich
class and a large poor class
Think poor, be poor.
ah the platitudes of the rich. meaningless mental masturbation so they
dont have to face facts
and you think that's great. all the while complaining about
'corruption'...which, you think, is limited to the middle class
our current depression has NOTHING to do with debt. not a damn thing.
you're too stupid about economics to know this
Shows how much of a dumb**** you are. This is a debt and government
corruption depression. Depressions are caused by economic imbalances.
You really should unsubscribe from Fleabagger Daily
OK big boy
tell me how the debt causes consumption to be depressed. OK??
oh. you can't. you just heard this on talk radio
'cuz it aint true, sport. they're 2 completely different problems.
, a slow but sure devaluation of USD will occur, and it could
accelerate without much notice. Devaluation means fewer other countries
will want the depreciating USD currency
let's see...current bond rates in the US are about 1%
seems like EVERYONE wants to buy our debt
you're just too stupid to know this
Funny, Bernanke has to electronically counterfeit the money, so GS can
borrow it to buy US Treasuries.
notice how he doesnt address the fact US bonds are the most desirable
in teh world? that's why our interest rate is so low
but he ignores that
As no one else will by the junk US
Treasury paper. US government hasn't filled a bond issue to the public
without counterfeit since early 2007 when congress and Bernanke fraud
started in earnest. Chinese have even reduced their holdings in
Treasuries because USA is such a poor rate of return in a depreciating
currency and fraud low rates.
rate for a spanish gvt bond: 7%
italian? 6%
US? 1%
but he ignores this 'cuz talk radio cant deal with it
Only fools buy US Treasuries at 1%. And not enough fools to fill the order.
HAHAHAHA the reason they buy it is
they DONT buy spanish bonds at 7% because they're NOT secure. that's
why spain has to offer higher interest rates
you're an idiot. you dont even know how bonds work!
Given China, Russia and India's momentum, USA will not just slide to
second place, but at least drop to 3rd place or lower inside of 12
years. I predict 2nd place in 4 years.
did you REALLY include RUSSIA???
Yep, economically Russia's trends are doing better than the USA. So is
Mexico for that mater. And Mexico no longer allows USD transactions,
you need to use Peso. Even Mexico is moving away from USD as a currency.
tell you what.
you live in canada
try to pay for a transaction at a local store in canada with mexican
But democrat congress of 2006 and Bernanke were the catalysts in kicking
the can over the edge. And 0bama put it into hyper-drive for the fast
so here we have a guy
who doesnt understand how bonds work
who lives in a country with socialized medicine and 30% union
lecturing us on how the US needs to destroy unions...even though we
dont have any
and how we have to avoid socialized meidcine 'cuz it always destroys a
uh huh