On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 20:44:53 -0500,
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 15:05:25 -0500, bpuharic wrote:
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 12:27:49 -0500, wrote:
The Wall Street trend is a stark reversal from 2008, when securities
and investment firms were among the top five industries backing Obama.
did i say 3:1?
more like 10:1 to the GOP.
christ are you guys DUMB
59% Bob that is from the FEC
shall we look at what happened in the most recent election??
The Republican Party’s effort to secure more political donations from
Wall Street is finally paying off.
Republicans candidates collected about 70% of the political donations
from the employees and political accounts of financial services firms
in June, the most recent month in which records are available,
according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. That’s a
reversal from March, when Democrats collected 70% of the donations
from Wall Street.