where do the sons of the rich work?
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 22:55:07 -0500, BAR wrote:
In article ,
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 16:44:52 -0500, BAR wrote:
You really do like stepping in it don't you.
i notice you dont have a single reference to the topic under
For businesses to grow they need their own money to spend where they
need to spend it. Taking money from businesses and S corps in the form
of increased taxes means there is no money for the businesses to expand.
It is basic economics.
it's actually bull****
capital gains taxes were about 30% under clinton
we had 5% unemployment
bush cut those taxes to 15%
how we doing? we have full employment?
because if we DONT then your whole argument is bull****.
so tell me...how we doing with low capital gains taxes??