RAV4 - a girly 'truck'?
On 11/22/11 3:33 PM, John H wrote:
On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 15:02:42 -0500, wrote:
On 11/22/2011 12:38 PM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/22/11 12:03 PM, JustWait wrote:
On 11/22/2011 11:11 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/22/11 11:09 AM, JustWait wrote:
On 11/22/2011 10:23 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/22/11 10:14 AM, JustWait wrote:
Yup, poor donnie.... "Ponytail"!!!! Boo!!!! I think Drifter has you
pinned, you are now the "mini-man"....
Well, that's not as bad as "Ponytailed Mound of Stinking Sh*t,"
which is
a perfect descriptor for you, of course.
That's lame...
Well, I'm not going to invoke the names of your family members a few
thousand times. *That* is the definition of lame, Mr. PMSS.
No, you stalk them and post their personal financial information....
I've never stalked any member of your family *or* posted financial
information. You've repeated this bit of paranoia so many times now that
you believe it, but it is no more true now than it was the first time
you farted it into this newsgroup.
You sent the financials to Donny and tricked him into posting it. You
then proceeded to deny any involvement, leaving poor dumb Donny swinging
in the wind. That's quite the reward for Donny's loyalty and devotion to
You weren't supposed to know that.
Sorry, bozos, not true. You've simply bought into little dip****
iSnotty's paranoia.