Trump not out, on the sidelines
On 22/11/2011 2:01 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 11:42:51 -0700,
Funny, that makes him a good candidate. About time government got a
screwing instead of living in glass houses and Ivory towers if
corruption. Just the right man for the job to clean up DC.
DC is more corrupt than Venezuela as only one corrupt person is allowed.
Pit the criminals up on each other.
Get a cleaner house that way.
canuck lives in a country with socialized medicine and strong unions
to tell us how ****ed the US would be if we got these...
Ya, and our system is at least as ****ed as yours.
People die waiting.
All successful people have one thing in common, if even for a moment
they think rationally.