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bpuharic bpuharic is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2009
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Default What the GOP is doing wrong

On Thu, 24 Nov 2011 12:33:36 -0500, wrote:

On Thu, 24 Nov 2011 10:24:49 -0500, iBoaterer wrote:

1. Bush-onomics Forever!

Extending Bush's tax cuts would cost $2 trillion over 10 years.

The GOP is desperate to avoid the Bush label?both broadly and in
specific terms of reclaiming the mantle of fiscal responsibility?but
their main economic policy proposal seems to be to ignite a deficit bomb
by extending Bush?s tax cuts, which are due to expire this year. Here?s
a political definition of chutzpah: Argue against $30 billion in
unemployment extensions in the name of fiscal discipline while pushing
for a tax cut extension that would cost $2 trillion over 10 years

The CBO says $3,7 Billion unless you have newer numbers.

Only 18% of that is the tax on the $250k+. ($700b)

The payroll tax cut is 2 1/2 times that.

they've gotta start paying sometime. the rest of us are tired of the
right wing socialism for the rich