Woman claims 13-year affair with Cain
On 11/28/11 6:26 PM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 17:52:41 -0500, X ` Man
Woman says she and Cain had 13-year affair
Does anyone really care? I certainly don't. You must be worried
about him however, posting all of this racist crap of yours. He may
not be qualified in other respects but at least he's not a hypocrite
like Newt.
Oh...I'm not a woman, Whiner, so Cain's sexual aggressiveness doesn't
concern me. I just think it is fun to point out the hypocrisy of these
right-wing nutcase Republican "family values" candidates.
Oh, and in the area of womanizing, he's the exact sort of hypocrite as
Newt. Perhaps it isn't in your household, but up here cheating on your
wife is considered hypocrisy. among other things. I will say, though,
that when pressed, Newt 'fessed. Cain is still deep in denial.
You Republicans have some interesting presidential nominee candidates
this year. Interesting, interesting.