wrote in message ...
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:35:55 -0500, Wayne.B
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:53:34 -0500, wrote:
That east wind tricks a lot of people. They are going out with it
behind them then when they are coming back it is right in their face.
A am amazed at the boats people think are "enough" to run offshore.
From our coast they also go out in the lee of the shore and that makes
a big difference in your initial perception.
I notice it just running around in the back bay. We run out to Ed's
Island and it seems real calm but coming back we are running into 12
kts of wind and chop. When that is offshore it is really nasty.
They had these guys on the news tonight and they say a wave came over
the stern.
I wonder if it was one of those "low transom" boats? ;-)
Heh, now you've done it. I tried very hard not to go there although
it was tempting. I think any time a boat is swamped and capsized by
a wave over the transom, we can infer that it was too low. It was
only 22 ft and had twin outboards so it was probably a little stern
heavy in any case.
That reminds me of the football players who tried to dislodge a stuck
anchor pulling from a stern cleat and sunk the boat.
One of our local guys going for crab rescued a stupid boater. He was with a
12' aluminum boat that was capsized. 9'-10' swells and wind waves were the
forecast. He probably was 20 minutes from being dead. The water here is
about 55 degrees.