You have to feel sorry for entrepreneurs...
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:43:31 -0800, "Califbill"
What can you threaten the many unemployed drug users with?
If they consent to being sent off to an island somewhere, we should
give them all the free drugs they want. If they don't consent, jail.
Is it constitutional, ethical or practical? Don't know.
Is there an island big enough? Don't know that either.
Maybe we could annex the city of Detroit and build a wall around it.
Just about everyone left there is using drugs anyway.
Someone just came out with a study that shows that the crime rate in
an area drops when the price of cocaine drops. If the price dropped
to zero, would drug crime go to zero also? Interesting experiment.
Maybe we should pick a city like Detroit and do a test. Some people
would move there on their own, wouldn't have to be sent.
Some European countries do something similar with a registered addict
program. We need some creative thinking about the drug issue because
what we're doing now certainly isn't working.