Cain Drops Out
On Sun, 04 Dec 2011 10:01:31 -0500, X ` Man
The only possibility for
change is to get the money out of politics...and how the hell is that
supposed to happen?
Term limits would be a good start.
What limits do you have in mind? Why do you think limits would stop the
flow of funds? What evidence do you have to offer?
Most, if not all, of the money in politics comes in the form of
re-election contributions. The reason is simple: Direct bribes are
illegal but re-election assistance is not only legal but necessary.
Media advertising costs a lot and that is not going to change.
With some reasonable term limit (something like 2 terms, same as the
presidency) there would presumably be less need for re-election
funding and less opportunity for establishing an entrenched power
Too many of our current legislators look at it as a career