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Default Sailor RT2048 VHF programming

Peter Bennett wrote in message
On 3 Jul 2003 07:14:12 -0700, (sailor105) wrote:

Hello marine radio engineers,

Recently bought a secondhand Sailor RT2048 that I want to use for
listening to local/national marine channels. I have a "quicklist" with
some programming sequences in "service mode" but this list isn't

Could anyone assist me with some more info on programming this radio ?
I would like it to function as a scanning receiver for as much
available marine channels as possible, with disabled transmit

I'm not familiar with that receiver, but there is a list of VHF
channel numbers vs frequency on my GPS web site (under the "Marine and
Boating..." section) that may be helpful.

Is it correct I can make it a 200 channel receiver using the "US" mode
as a second set of 100 ?

Not likely. Under the international rules, some 30 of the 55 marine
channels are designated for duplex (two frequency) use. The US has
re-defined some of those international duplex channels as simplex,
using only the ship transmit frequency. On the radios I've used, the
"US/International" switch just switches the channels the US has
re-defined between simplex and duplex - it does not add another whole
group of channels.

Any info highly appreciated !!
Kindest Regards,

Thanks for the info Peter,

First of all the Sailor RT2048 is not a receiver but a VHF
radiotelephone that I want to use as a "marine band scanner". In
europe it's one of the most used RT's...

Copied your VHF channel list for the programming part.

I also doubted the "US" function can be programmed as a second set of
100 channels, but the "simplex" option is also very welcome for me as
listener. The "US" function could be of use to switch between
ship/shore frequency on duplex channels so I can hear both. Good info

Best Regards,