Are zap stoppers really needed on alternators?
because it is easy? or maybe you are trolling....
"Ed Price" wrote in message
"Glenn Ashmore" wrote in message
First of all, teh Zap Stop is not intended to protect anything from
external spikes. There are very few situations on a boat that will
cause a damaging spike back into the alternator other than a lightning
strike and in that case all bets are off.
The Zap Stop is only intended to protect the alternator from self
destructing from a load dump. It does nothing else. It does this by
clamping the voltage lower than the damaging point for the rectifier.
In a load dump the voltage spike is what fries the rectifier diodes not
the amperage.
And how do you "clamp" a voltage when a voltage source is trying to drive
higher? As the Zap-stop does, by presenting a conductive path that has a
very low resistance. The current is limited only by the source's internal
resistance. I have no idea what the internal resistance of a large
alternator is, but I would guess maybe 0.01 ohms. The important point is
that you have to be able to sink a lot of current during the alternator's
field winding voltage excursion. Putting the protective device on the load
side of the alternator diodes is a solution that requires a heavy current
draw through the alternator diodes during a protective event.
For illustration, lets say we have a big honkin' 250 amp Balmar cranking
out full power 15 volts into the house bank (3,750 watts) when somebody
turns the master switch and the output voltage starts to rise. The
regulator is still supplying the same current to the field and the RPM
has not changed. As no additional energy is being supplied to the
alternator the total power output remains the same.
Absolutely bogus assumption about power output remaining constant.
I am assuming that your alternator has an electronic, not a mechanical,
regulation scheme. Are you claiming that the regulation can track load
variations during normal operation, but, if the load is suddenly shed, it
takes hundreds of milliseconds to react?!
Power is volts *
amps so as the voltage rises the amperage has to drop. For that 200-300
milliseconds that it takes for the regulator to adjust the field current
the zenier has to absorb that 3,750 watts of excess power. Diodes that
can handle this amount of power for that length of time are not hard to
find. Digikey sells them for about a buck apiece.
I checked my Digikey catalog, but can't find any "zenier" diodes. Perhaps
you could fix your spull chucker; your consistent use of the wrong
is beginning to bug me, as real experts know the names of their tools. You
know, you pound nails with a hammer, and discussing nail technology is
disconcerting when the other guy keeps talking about his hummer.
But regardless of how much diodes cost, where you buy them, and whether
will fail trying to carry x kiloamps for y milliseconds, the initial point
asked was why it was good practice to put the protection on the load side
the alternator diodes. Telling me that you can get away with it is not a
good answer.