An Amazing Discovery
On Thu, 08 Dec 2011 21:05:10 -0500, Honey Badger
bpuharic wrote:
On Wed, 07 Dec 2011 19:55:09 -0500, Honey Badger
bpuharic wrote:
On Tue, 06 Dec 2011 20:39:17 -0500, Honey Badger
and when wall street bankers stole 10 TRILLION from the economy
putting 14M people out of work...
how'd that work out for us?
i'll take a welfare cheat over a hedgefund manager any day
Who was that banker?
There are more than one welfare cheats - there are hundreds of thousands.
let's guy...john thain...made
2.7 BILLION in 1 year many welfare cheats does it take to steal what he stole??
That's legal. Cheating the welfare system is illegal.
EXACTLY!! who makes the rules?
the RICH!!!
HAHAHAH he's discovered the rich think it's OK to steal, even though
it destroys our economy and puts millions out of work!
aint the right wing wonderful!