On 12/9/11 7:29 PM, BAR wrote:
In aweb.com,
On 12/9/2011 8:12 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 12/9/11 8:10 AM, BAR wrote:
In articlel5idnfBnGtZ59nzTnZ2dnUVZ_vCdnZ2d@giganews. com,
JustWait wrote:
On 12/7/2011 7:50 PM, Honey Badger wrote:
BAR wrote:
In article4pWdnQRER4FTXUPTnZ2dnUVZ_rSdnZ2d@giganews. com,
bpuharic wrote:
On Mon, 05 Dec 2011 19:33:43 -0500, Honey Badger
bpuharic wrote:
On Sat, 03 Dec 2011 23:02:31 -0500, Honey Badger
bpuharic wrote:
On Sat, 03 Dec 2011 15:24:30 -0700,
right wingers are always ignorant of US history.
honey dipper doesnt know about the 'single drop' rule in US
typical for a right whiner, he's a revisionist
thus proving, once again, right whiners hate blacks
Show me a link to that rule. It sounds like something the KKK
in their pathetic tactics. And don't quote ancient history - your
allegations are about a person living today.
HAHAHAAH the right wing doesnt even know their own history!!
he's TOO
LAZY and TOO STUPID to look it up!! his klan buddies use the
rule all
the time and he's SO ignorant he doesnt even know it's part of his
illustrious right wing history:
yes...you are
A bunch of rhetoric from - wikipedia? You can't do better than that
the left-wing obligatory name-calling?
I had never even heard of that "rule" until a couple of years ago. I
think it was our resident nutjob Bob who pointed me to it.
Of course I could never be in the Klan, Catholics are excluded due
to us
being on the Klan's list of people to be hated.
Catholics, too? I thought the Klan was all Baptists - they are
Christians, right? Why would they have Catholics?
You need to understand the concept that to them, the KKK is their
religion and like most Christians and others too, they don't accept
any other deviations from their own teachings..
And they are still around. Amazing!
The KKK was formed by Democrats and is still mostly composed of
Are you writing for the iSnotty audience now, Bertie? The KKK'ers are
Conservative democrats then. Sheeesh
The Klan was born from the Southern Democrats and will always be
associated with the Southern Democrats.
Funny pronouncement from a boy who barely finished high school and thus
ended his formal edu-ma-cation. The original klan started out in
Tennessee, and was comprised of civil war vets.
The klanners today are mostly southern white conservatives, republicans,
whose immediate ancestors were drummed out of the democratic party and
who became republicans as part of the GOP's southern strategy.