Another Virgina Tech shooting
On 12/12/2011 9:57 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 12/12/11 9:53 AM, JustWait wrote:
On 12/12/2011 9:51 AM, Drifter wrote:
On 12/12/2011 9:25 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 12/12/11 9:18 AM, North Star wrote:
On Dec 12, 9:29 am, wrote:
On 12/12/2011 7:45 AM, BAR wrote:
In, . says...
On 12/11/2011 2:27 PM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Sun, 11 Dec 2011 13:16:42 -0500, wrote:
On Sun, 11 Dec 2011 10:46:07 -0500,
You seem to be extremely interested in getting Mary Jane
Do you have an appetite for the stuff?
The real reason a lot of us want to see this legalized is because
war on drugs has become one of the worst examples of a bloated
government program that simply wastes tons of money and returns
nothing to the tax payer.
The blow back has resulted in some of the worst constitutional
(profiling,.warrentless car searches, warrantless aerial
with IR imagery, warrantless wire taps, financial monitoring and
list goes on)
Most of the abuses in the patriot act have been SOP for the DEA
In addition to that, the "war on drugs" has become very much like
prohibition. The demand is there, the consumers are there, so a
illicit and illegal industry has sprung up to keep the market
supplied. Profits of this industry are artificially inflated
because of the illegality, and because of the huge profits,
and crime run rampant everywhere the drug trade operates. Like
prohibition the supporting criminal supply network is far worse
the original problem. Everyone wanted to make drugs illegal to
protect their children but the kids are getting drugs anyway along
with the societal problems of the drug industry which have become
The war on drugs is unwinable.
The war on crime is unwinable.
The war on terrorism is unwinable.
Wars, the way we fight them, are unwinable.
Let's abandon those efforts.
We should also can all laws and the IRS code in favor of the ten
commandments. Then we won't need no steeenkin lawyers no more.
Require everyone 18 and over to carry a loaded pistol.
Yup. Condition 1. Then see how ****heads like Krause behave.
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Would packin' heat make y'all feel like big brave men?
Being in the navy didn't...
I doubt if navy men would need to strap on heat to take a walk in the
Virginia woods, for protection against , get this, dogs. Cowboy Harry
doesn't feel safe unless he is surrounded by his guns.
He carries for DOGS!?? Holy ****, my 90 year old dad just carried a
walking stick for that... What an asshole. All you got to do is wave a
stick at most dogs and they will run, but Harry Krause is just dying to
see what he can do to flesh with his widdew capguns weather it be a
human or now even an innocent dog... asshole...
Hehehe. Morons. We're talking about packs of feral dogs loose in the
Shenandoah hills and valleys. There were several packs running loose a
couple of years ago, and there were attacks on hikers. One hiker and his
buddies had just returned from a major trail to a parking area and was
attacked and severely bitten by feral dogs.
The "expertise" you assholes don't have is just...astonishing.
These packs of feral dogs, if they are still around, would love to snack
on a greasy little **** like you, iSnotty.
One person suffers a dog bite and you strap on heat like Rambo. What
kind of pussy are you?
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