On Dec 14, 8:27*am, X ` Man dump-on-conservati...@anywhere-you-
can.com wrote:
CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow
Note the straight trigger...for faster firing. The red dot above and to
the rear of the trigger is the safety indicator. There's a safety lever
on both sides of the pistol. The slide lock is forward of the safety
lever. Actual slide removal is controlled by a pin on the other side of
the pistol. Unlike most 9mm "plastic" handguns (e.g., Glock), the CZ's
have exposed hammers. That's a 19-round magazine protruding from the
bottom of the grip. With one in the spout, you've got 20 rounds to take
care of marauding zombies.
bull**** snipped
The pistolero Krause at his finest. Notice how he cleans the zombie
streets with his semi automatic. He proves his invincibility. "I Am
Ozymandias!" shall be his cry!