alternator charging to high?
thanks again for your help. I will reread it until it all sinks in.
but for now, let me tell you what I did today. I did test both
batteries (one at a time with both load and while being charged) and
guess what, the baterries are with in normal limits, as defined by the
tesater, both with load and while being charged. I even left the
tester on while I cruised around for a couple of hours keeping and eye
on it at different speeds. all seemed fine. I did however check the
water and battery one (the one without the inverter)was low in all 6
channels. so I went to CVS and got some distilled water and filled
them up. So, I do not really know if the alternator or what is a
problem, but I do know that the 50 Amp circuit breaker, with one red,
one red/purple/ and one orange wire on the engine near the solinoid,
did trip twice this month. bad circuit breaker? spiking alternator?
battery needed water? bad connectors? still trying to find out, but
each day, I am learning a little more. thanks again
PS the fuse that I have on the invertor is a 250 anl. and the guage of
the wire is 4 aught.