North Star wrote:
On Dec 14, 10:27 am, X ` Mandump-on-conservati...@anywhere-you- wrote:
CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow
Note the straight trigger...for faster firing. The red dot above and to
the rear of the trigger is the safety indicator. There's a safety lever
on both sides of the pistol. The slide lock is forward of the safety
lever. Actual slide removal is controlled by a pin on the other side of
the pistol. Unlike most 9mm "plastic" handguns (e.g., Glock), the CZ's
have exposed hammers. That's a 19-round magazine protruding from the
bottom of the grip. With one in the spout, you've got 20 rounds to take
care of marauding zombies.
If your zombies ever get across the border, I might have to git me one
of those.
How much would one cost in real money... i.e. Canadian loonies?
More than you can afford. There are better competition pistols out
there than the CZ.