info wanted: how to use radar
My Raymarine MARPA works well. It's pretty fun to play with when you're in
the ICW and there are a lot of shrimp boats right offshore. Target about six
of them and watch their predicted tracks.
"When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who
died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the
passengers in his car." - Will Rogers
"BOEING377" wrote in message
Any bugs with your Ray MARPA or does it generally work as advertised? Can
track targets when your boat is slewing in azimuth like in a big following
Considering upgrading radar to a MARPA capable one and am trying to decide
which one really works well. Had differing reports including one that said
worked poorly until he upgraded his heading reference to a KVH Gyro Trac.
pure fluxgate heading sensor didnt do well.
Any info appreciated.