PL-259 connectors VHF UHF
In article , wrote:
Can someone tell me if there is a PL-259 connector for UHF and a
different one for VHF? I got a 259 from Radio Shack that was labeled
for UHF. It looked the same to me so I installed it, along with a
Shakespeare VHF antenna for a VHF marine band radio. Would not
transmit, but had a steady clicking from the speaker when mike was
open. I returned the radio to the factory for repair under warrenty,
and when returned was told the radio performed at factory specs, and
to check the installation. So, now I'm stumped, and hate to try
anything else without knowing what's going on. A SWR meter check would
not help at this point. Thanks for any help.
Pl-259 Connectors are called "UHF Connectors" sometimes but they are
basically the same thing. Amp makes some Specialty Connectors that
have Teflon Dielectric rather than the Bakalite that you normally find
in Pl-259's. These are a bit better at higher frequencies but only a
bit better. Pl-259's have been around since before WWII and are a
defacto standard for any radio that operates below 150Mhz and sometimes
even higher in frequecy, but they are a really bad type of connector
above 30 Mhz, and most knowledgable people change them out for a more
suitable type. They are used brcause they are cheap, and any Mooron can
put them on coax.
Bruce in alaska