On 12/28/2011 3:24 PM, Happy JH wrote:
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 08:54:21 -0500, wrote:
On 12/28/2011 8:50 AM, Happy JH wrote:
...contains Xylitol. This stuff is bad news for dogs.
Last night I found an empty Orbit box on the floor. I had just opened it earlier and left it on the
table. The new pup had jumped on a chair and gotten the package. She then ate about twelve pieces,
paper and all.
This morning I picked her up from the emergency room where she'd been 'flushed'. That was a $550
Live and learn. I, of course, realize that most here are way too bright to ever do such a thing.
You could also raise your dog as I do, no human food, ever. My dogs can
lay on the floor next to a turkey sandwich and never even realize it's
something to eat, much less touch it. Just sayin'. When you train a
puppy, remember anything you train him to do (like eat people food), he
will do when he get's older....
Ours never purposely gets people food. This little dog is a chewer. She got one of my hearing aids.
Chewed it into pieces, but didn't swallow any of it.
Makes sense... glad you don't feed your animals people food, it's one of
my pet peeves. I can not stand it at the track or a party, house,
neighbor etc when you have to hold your food up and keep turning away
from someones begging dog... We had house guests once and their dog
wanted to reach right up on the table and stood there while you were
cooking expecting to be fed from the stove and the table... Had to put
my foot down and tell him the dog stayed next door when we were eating.