OT- Kindlefire. What's it's advantages?
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 19:24:22 -0500, Wayne.B wrote:
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 15:26:25 -0800 (PST), Tim
I know nothing about them, but my wife want's one [and I get to pay
for it]. What are the advantages [or not] over a Xume, iPhone, and a
host of other lightning technology talkie gadgets out there?
The Kindle is primarily designed for reading books although with a
little patience you can also browse the web and check EMAIL. The
Kindlefire has been upgraded to make it more like an iPad. Amazon has
sold a zillion of them and there are lots of online reviews.
I got one of the older Kindles for my wife a couple of years ago and
you can hardly pry it out of her hands. She reads it on the boat, in
the car, at the fitness center and at home. She's read over 100 books
on it this year alone.
We got our granddaughter one last Christmas. Her head has been buried in it constantly, and what she
wants for Christmas is gift cards from Amazon for more books. Unreal, but nice.