LED Anchor Light
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 20:56:48 -0400, "John Salyer"
I've found a bunch of stuff on replacing the incandescent bulb in the anchor
light with an LED array. But I haven't found a schematic of how to do this.
Any help? I'd like to build an array of up to 18 super bright LED's, with a
regulator. Any ideas?
Lionheart came with a solar-recharged LED yellow sidewalk light for an
anchor light.
Of course, we'd LIKE to keep it legal, so have replaced it with an
approved anchor/tricolor light......just for fun.
Oh, it also reduced the laughing and pointed from the other sailors on
the docks, too....(c;
Larry W4CSC
3600 planes with transponders are burning 8-10 million
gallons of kerosene per hour over the USA. R-12 car air
conditioners are responsible for the ozone hole, right?