On 3/2/2012 2:01 PM, iBoaterer wrote:
In raweb.com, 5@
5.com says...
On 3/2/2012 1:22 PM, iBoaterer wrote:
In , says...
Read the first link through, all I saw was a study that said "we were
successful in cutting down on second hand smoke (we think)"... Nothing
to do with the discussion we were having about the effects of second
hand smoke... And you wonder why I don't read his posts?
I wonder if smoking dope is as harmful to your health as smoking
I would guess so, if one was to smoke as much pot as a cigarette addict
smokes cigarettes. But why are you in such a tizzy about pot lately?
I see you are a member of the noiseless patient Spider organization. Is
that part of the anti cigarette pro pot movement?