On 08/03/2012 6:39 AM, iBoaterer wrote:
Life expectency graph by country. Seems at 49th we don't have that great
healthcare that the right is claiming! Most of the countries with
government ran health care programs are a lot better!
Quit pushing the bullsh1t.
Affluence begets obesity, drug abuse and alcoholism. Taxed-poor people
are less likely to afford any of illegal use of drugs, excessive alcohol
and probably less obese.
Take Puerto Rico, a USA territory, what explains them doing better?
Might I suggest less incomes means less body abuse from affluence? Mind
you if it gets impoverished like American Samoa, it gets worse like the
bottom part of the list. Suggesting too much affluence or not enough is
dangerous to average health.
Take Japan, much higher on the list and even have many more daily
smokers but much less obesity and less drug abuse.
Biggest gripe I have about the financing and management of government
health care. Neither side is without its warts.
Canadian warts:
- government will keep the fat and crap that benefits Canadians not, yet
always use health care to up them taxes. And it isn't just high income
taxes, it is excise, duty, sin taxes, at $40 a 12 pack for regular beer
not as much alcohol abuse. Hits food too, cheese you pay $4.65 in
Portland Oregon is $12.99 here for the exact same product/name/size from
tariffs!!! Even poor, disabled, retired and low income people get
screwed with higher utility, property, excise, tariffs and fuel taxes.
- government rations care based on if you work. 16 month wait? Want to
shorten it? You can if you say you can not work any longer to generate
revenue then you get priority. I know, my mother and I had the same
issue, her being retired waited 14 months and I was in and out in 3
weeks. In USA, you could have the routine procedure done inside a week
as it is common. Government becomes god to your survival.
- government and government media push ra-ra bullsh1t but when push
comes to shove, those politicians with MONEY in their jeans and being
the very top bosses of the same medical system go to the USA....always a
different story when it is your ass under the knife....
- being government run, it is inefficient, political and expense. Even
been inquiries on the "preference" issue.
- government care is trimmed in every way, they send you home too early,
some times even send expecting mothers to Montana as we run out of
facilities/beds here!!! Unlike Americans, we leave the country we are
inadequately covered. And if not covered, plenty of Canadians get
economically wiped out in seeking USA or treatment elsewhere. Trying to
find a family doctor is almost impossible. Some regions, 40% or more
can't get a family doctor. And don't travel without paying almost what
Americans pay for good out of country services...most plans it is fly
you back to Canada for treatment or no coverage.
Things USA needs to fix:
- health care needs to be funded in a way politicians can't hold it over
your head like a hammer, skip the extortion for more taxes. None
deductible 6% VAT and 6% of all employment income to start. If it runs
a surplus, then the rates go down. If it runs short the rates go up but
ALL moneys collected for HC go to HC and don't get skimmed in general
- publicly disclosed policies and processes on rationing. Hey, not
everyone can go out costing $5M unless everyone is paying $5M in. Which
is the real issue, who and how is it really paid for. Als use token
co-pays of $10 and 1%. This dentures people wanting a day off using the
kids for snivel doctors visits depriving others with real needs. And if
$10 or $20 in a co-pay you cannot meet, then something is wrong with
your behavior.
- limits on law suits and proper complaints resolution including
disciplining of doctors/nurses as well as firings to replace wild sized
legal settlements.
- be prepared to lower your disposable incomes to taxes.
- be prepared for government to treat you like sheep, you ultimately
will have less economic and health liberty. If the government does say
yes poor support the treatment, you need to figure out how to pay for it
even though your disposable income is down for taxes..
Imagine buying a car for $40K (in USA it is $30K) and then $6000 on top
for government taxes...it isn't just income taxes.
While I agree with universal health care, it has to be more than a 0bama
knee jerk stupid approach. You may very be better off where you are
than to take a wrong turn in this change. A better more practical ways
of doing it need to be defined.
Having lived more than 10 years on both sides of the US/Can border and 2
other countries with socialized medicine, I bet I am a top 1%er in
experience. And what I see 0bamaa doing as a government statism greed
tax grab.
But desperate fools often don't think before they support a politician
that uses the voters greed against them for a vote. There is no "free"
health care.
Corrupt USA, Euro Bank and Military Regime, funding both sides of
terrorism for profit and debt-tax slavery.