On 08/03/2012 7:38 AM, Oscar wrote:
On 3/8/2012 8:39 AM, iBoaterer wrote:
Life expectency graph by country. Seems at 49th we don't have that great
healthcare that the right is claiming! Most of the countries with
government ran health care programs are a lot better!
We're number 1 in crime and divorce rate. That's something for you
lefties to hang your hat on. Oh and we're # 2 in abortions. You must be
proud of that.
And the unsung hero of the left, the worship of debt. Funny how long
lasting couples with smiles still on their faces decades later have
little or no debt and don't argue about money. Pretty hard to have a
wild sexual love making right after arguing about the bill collectors.
But them lefties sure love mortgaging our grand kids future for their
greed of debt today.
Corrupt USA, Euro Bank and Military Regime, funding both sides of
terrorism for profit and debt-tax slavery.