On Wed, 25 Apr 2012 15:37:10 -0400, "Flying Pig"
Ah, well...
The largest prop shop in the WPB-MIA area has only an 18" lathe, and mine
is 34" o/c.
Back to plan A, and to Harbor Freight to pick up a cheapie sandblaster for
final cleanup...
Thanks for trying.
I was thinking there might be enough demand to do this type work
on-site. There's quite a bit of portable machining being done.
Probably mostly high-cost for bigger stuff though.
Though I'm not a machinist, it seems a portable grinder on rotating
collars isn't a difficult machine to design.
Pits would be welded up, then the grinder clamped on either side of
the work area and rotated to bring the welding down to the OD.
Anyway, you should do well with your approach.
Mind your packing selection, cutting and stuffing.
I did plenty of packing work in the Navy, but it was all pump/turbine
shafts, and valves, and no pitted shafts or valve stems.
So I can only suggest one more thing.
Good luck!