One of JustHate's buds?
On 5/24/2012 8:05 AM, North Star wrote:
On May 24, 7:37 am, wrote:
On 5/23/2012 9:54 PM, George C. Boater wrote:
On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 11:02:17 AM UTC-5, X ` Man wrote:
A Tea Party supporter and member of the right-wing anti-government
militia group known as the Oath Keepers has been convicted of raping his
own daughter in Oklahoma.
Charles Dyer, a former Marine, was convicted by a jury of his peers
which recommended that he be sentenced to 30 years in prison. It was the
third trial for Dyer, the first resulting in no verdict and the second
being declared a mistrial. Radical right-wing groups heavily supported
Dyer, accusing the government of being out to get him. Dyer himself has
issued conspiracy theory laced diatribes on Youtube and in emails,
accusing the judicial branch of pushing him to his limits and threatened
to commit violence against court officials and the police.
Dyer had been the Oath Keeper liaison to the Marine Corps and has
previously been arrested for stealing a grenade launcher from the US
military in 2006.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center,
“Jurors listened to four days of graphic testimony recounting what
prosecutors alleged Dyer had done to his daughter, while his defense
attorney, Al Hoch, argued that the allegations were the wild
fabrications of Dyer’s estranged wife, Valery, who he said had convinced
her daughter to carry on a lie to help her terminate custodial rights.”
Let's see. Right winger. Extremist. Tea Party member. Hates government.
Issues conspiracy laden diatribes. Doesn't trust local police. Petty
Yup...another "JustHater."
And this from a guy who (1) doesn't own a home, (2) lies about boat ownership and (3) fabricates educational credentials.
Wow, a whole cut and paste just so harry can pull himself out of a hole
and bully little old me... What a ****ing asshat Dr. Karen Grear of
Catholic University of America is...
What would Terri think of your lowlife habit of attacking other
posters wives?
Well, I expect you will call her. Tattle tale is what you do, right.
Aren't you the one who called Johns wife, and Slammer called mine and
threatened her... It's what cowards like you do, right??