Ben, I have some general and some specific information and circuit diagrams
on these autohelm (pre-ST) equipment.. The compass and control circuitry is
basically the same on all of them.
I even have a circuit diagram (reverse engineered) for the ZO75 radio
interface that you mention. However it would be difficult to duplicate this
without the code for the 8749 processor chip.
You can find these on my web site at
I have a Z075 interface if someone can read and duplicate the 8749 /w code.
From there, it would be fairly simple to build the rest of the circuit..
Failing in that, you can plagiarize the circuit and operating procedures in
your attempt to get the NMEA 183 to fuction with your AH800.. (the AH800
manual I have is for the type with the compass on top but the control
diagrams elsewhere should be of some help to you.
Good luck, I haven't been able to get NMEA to my AH3000 even with the Z075..
Let me know how you make out.
s/v Good Intentions