Marine electronics training
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Marine electronics training
Subject: Marine electronics training
(Larry W4CSC)
I got my on-the-job training at:
Amex Systems
Tracor Applied Sciences, Electronic Systems Division
EIL Instruments
Charleston Naval Shipyard
They even paid me!....(c;
I learned a lot working for NOAA, I was an oceanographic tech for 25 years and
spent a lot of time hooking up instruments to a shipboard scientific computer
system that started out with DEC/VAX and over the years evolved into Win 2000.
There was a lot of trial and error.
I was hoping there was some school that could give me a good background in
setting up and interfacing all these different manufacturers of boating
electronics equipment, satellite gear setup, and GMDSS maintainer.
I'm still getting paid, just not as much :}
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