Affordable Care Act...
On 7/3/12 1:30 AM, thumper wrote:
On 6/29/2012 9:56 AM, Wayne.B wrote:
I can't claim to speak for everyone but I think there are many who do
not view health care as a proper role for the federal government. I
also think there are many who view most of the federal bureauacracy as
being incompetent, self serving and self perpetuating. Who would
want such an organization to be responsible for their health care?
As opposed to bureaucratic corporations that have done a good job of
extracting profit but not so good at delivering health care...? Tough
call. Perhaps they should compete.
I've never understood this "worship" of corporations. Making sure that
everyone has access to decent health care certainly is a duty for a
government. It certainly isn't anything a for-profit corporation can or
will do.