Affordable Care Act...
On 7/3/12 12:33 PM, JustWait wrote:
Many of the big unions got waivers... They won't give up anything
themselves, they expect that if everyone else does, it won't matter and
nobody will notice... I see these kind of people all the time out in the
real world. Park where they want, do what they want, think the rules are
great as long as everybody else follows them..
One of the many reasons to be a union member is that you have an
organization doing some heavy lifting for you in terms of wages, hours,
benefits, working conditions, et cetera. Unions protect even schlumps
like you, little ****.
Oh, schlump. It's a Yiddishism...means a dull-witted, slow person, a
slob, a fool. Other Yiddishisms that suit you...schmegeggy...a
contemptible person; putz, a penis, and, of course, schlemiel, an
awkward, clumsy person, a blunderer, a born loser. Obviously, the
coiners of Yiddish met some of your ancestors.