On 7/6/2012 10:36 AM, North Star wrote:
On Jul 6, 11:04 am, "Califbill" wrote:
"thumper" wrote in ...
On 7/5/2012 8:10 PM, Califbill wrote:
"thumper" wrote in ...
So you were happy with the status quo? If you are wealthy you always
have alternatives.
Look at the rest of government programs. Way over budget, 40 cents on
the dollar being barrowed and you think government run health care
system will be an improvement?
status quo may be screwed, but why screw it up, most likely, even more?
How do you explain numerous other nations getting better results at less
cost? Are they smarter than us? Have more integrity?
What better results? Long waits for less than critical care? Lack of
doctors as they are leaving to get better pay? I tore my meniscus a couple
years ago. took about a week to get the MRI, and in to surgery. How long
would that take in most of those better health care countries. and where is
most of the money actually coming from and how much is actually being spent.
Last time I was in Europe, 2001, gas was $1-2 more a gallon then in the USA.
Most of that went to funding healthcare from what I understand. Is that
included in your healthcare costs? I spent a couple days in the trauma
Center / ICU last week after falling off a ladder. Highland Hospital,
Oakland, CA. A big percentage of the doctors and nurses were foreign born.
They are getting their degrees overseas and coming here, so they can make
some money after years of school and then a couple years of
Interesting website on torn meniscus.http://www.kneeguru.co.uk/KNEEtalk/i...4bdc93286ebc4b...
You really do seem to be 'accident prone'.
Might I suggest laying off the spirits when there's work to be done.
Ahhh spirits. You are very familiar with spirits.