On Friday, July 27, 2012 5:31:31 PM UTC-4, iBoaterer wrote:
In article ,
It's become apparent that he has a reading comprehension issue.
It's been apparent that you are a condescending asshole.
Nope, here's the "cite":
Holy ****! First you say that it's hearsay if there's no physical
Holy **** is right! I never said that.
then you say it's hearsay only if it's first person,
Never said that either. It has to be first person to NOT be hearsay. You can't repeat what someone else told you they saw.
then you say that not hearsay because she didn't *SEE* anything!!!!
Wow. Never said that, but did say it *was* hearsay for her to testify about things she didn't see firsthand.
Among tons of other times where you simply don't understand what someone wrote, or your own linked cites which don't prove your point, but the opposite.
You have problems grasping the written word.