Furuno 1721 MKII Compass input?? (long)
I'm upgrading from my 1720 to a 1721 MKII radar.. I had this same model on
my last boat and missed many of it's features.
I knew the 1721 was capable of with a compass or gyro input but it was too
expensive to add back then.
However I did learn to get by without 'North UP' that I always had on
shipboard radar..(this was my first pleasure boat radar) So even now I'm
content to do without it Noth UP.
Now I'm adding a Yeoman to my chart table and know that it can communicate
and plot on the 1721 radar, but when I get into the fine print of the
specifications I find that it requires that the radar have compass input
(heading sensor).
I already have a Si Tex flux gate compass with NNEA 183 output and the
spec./hookup info for the 1721 indicates I can interface it with the Gyro
AT Last: Here is my question. If my Furuno 1721 MKII has the heading sensor
hooked up and the Yeoman is proving a plot, does the radar have to be in
North UP display??
I know I can manage it either way, but I would hate to have to reorient my
brain each time I happen to switch off the Flux Gate or Yeoman.
Or should I set everything up so the Radar and Flux Gate are always on
together and get use to North Up again??
Or is it possible that the Yeoman can provide radar plots with the radar
remaining in Bow UP mode?? (seems like it is all relative plotting then)
Confused, need help??
s/v Good Intentions