Furuno 1721 MKII Compass input?? (long)
"Bruce in Alaska" wrote in message news:bruceg- to see
if there has been any change in this by Furuno, but I really don't
think that anything has changed.
I think things have change (at least the way I read the manual).
The Furuno 1721 has both a NMEA 0183 input from the Nav. Equipment (GPS or
Loran, etc.).
The other connector is the "Gyro" connection which in fact can only except
the gyro input via a A-D converter AD-100 or directly from a heading
"The heading sensor (FLUX-50, C-2000/3000) having AD-10S format or NMEA 0183
output data format can be connected instead of a gyrocompass. In this case,
you should select "MAG" instead of the "GYRO" on the INSTALLATION menu."
So if I read this correctly, I can have two seperate NMEA inputs. One from
the FLUX compass and the other from the GPS or YEOMAN.
According to the YEOMAN manual, the radar will follow the puke of the Yeoman
and place line of bearings 'lollypops' on the radar screen at locations I
select from the charts.. (bouys, channel turn points, other chart details
that wouldn't normally show up on the radar.)
However, as I understand it, the radar has to have the heading direction
otherwise the bearing to the nav aid or point (in magnetic or true) has no
meaning if the radar is in bow-up or relative mode. The Yeoman doesn't
really know the boats true or mag heading..
Something that Larry eluded to is incorrect IMHO. The radar doesn't and in
most cases can't plot using the Long and Lat from the GPS (or Yeoman). The
majority of even the new standard radars just aren't smart in that regard..
They just display the Long and Lat. at the bottom of the screen for the
information of the Navigator.. The ordinary radar does not use the heading
that is in the NMEA sentence either, again, not smart enough.. And to me the
heading info from the GPS is at best, unreliable, being history, not real
s/v Good Intentions