Windmills A tribute to Ted
On Thu, 6 Sep 2012 10:12:39 -0700, "Califbill"
The new ones take less overall maintenance as there are
fewer for the same power output. But figuring the amount of dead old ones,
how much actual energy gain did we get?
As an engineer you must know about climbing up the learning curve.
This modern generation of wind farms is less than 10 years old which
is not exactly a mature technology yet. Considering that each large
windmill saves the energy equivalent of $400/hour of fossil fuel, it's
worth some time and effort.
From a strategic standpoint it is very important that we figure out
how to make ourselves independent of middle eastern energy sources.
They don't like us very much and it's only a matter of time before the
entire region becomes unstable and unreliable.
I'm beginning to think there's yet another sailboat in my future.
(please note clever introduction of an on topic subject)