The only hope... is that harry will learn to pay his taxes
On 9/9/2012 10:20 AM, Meyer wrote:
On 9/8/2012 7:22 PM, X ` Man wrote:
....for this newsgroup is a nuke from high orbit.
81 posts since midnight, and I read from Don and one from JPS.
The winners at 7:15 pm in terms of total post count:
PsychoScotty with about 20 and iLoogy with about the same number. iLoogy
is down significantly from the 50 bombs he dropped here yesterday,
Slammer, the undisputed leader of, had just under a dozen, and
I'll bet all of them were threatening the lives of other posters.
Was there *one* interesting boating post in the bunch? Not likely.
Will the sun come out tomorrow?
Not in, I'd bet.
Have nice day.
It seems that you failed to pay your corporate income taxes in the state
of Florida. You owe them a whopping $379 plus penalty and interest.
C'mon big spender, ante up.
So, the bad doctor is a deadbeat? Figures...