Another day...
*e#c wrote:
On Sep 9, 8:15 pm, X ` Man wrote:
...with as far as I can tell, no interesting boating posts*, but just
40 posts total (since midnight) of the usual from the usual morons:
About nine from iLoogy, about six from PsychoSnotty, about six from
Meyer, and creeping up on the leader board, about five from Mr. Marine
himself, BertiePoop Robbins. Missing for the first time in several days,
Hit Man Slammer.
* No, I don't read the posts, but I do have a friend who does, and he
alerts me if there are any *interesting* boating posts, but it isn't
difficult to tell there aren't any just by seeing who posts. More than
half of today's posts to date are from posters who don't usually post
interesting boating posts.
As always, have nice day.
Since you didnt read anything, you dont know **** all. Now, **** off
and go change your Diaper. You spend so much time in the basement on
your Computer, I'll bet you simply **** your pants instead of going to
the bathroom. You simply change your Diaper the next time its
convienient from the Computer.
You dont have any friends that " read the posts ", you lying ****.
Everyone knows that.
He can afford a bucket.