For the morons that refuse to understand smart grid technology
wrote in message
On Monday, September 17, 2012 11:45:46 AM UTC-4, iBoaterer wrote:
Smart meters isn't a smart grid system.
It is a key element of the smart grid vision.
"Smart meter initiatives around the country in recent years have proven the
concept. They are cost-effective and maximize energy efficiency, leading
many governments to mandate advanced metering. Today a small fraction of
U.S. meters are smart, but the segment is expected to grow between 15
percent and 20 percent annually."
We have smart meters here. Most people do not like them as their power
bills went up 20-30%. I think the reason the utilities love them is it
calculates power usage better. With all the cell phone and computer low
voltage transformers in a house the power factor is wrong for great billing.
The power passes without being registered as a big percentage is mostly
inductive and the power factor designed in to a standard meter will not
record a lot of the energy used.