On Mon, 24 Sep 2012 12:37:53 -0400, Wayne.B wrote:
On Mon, 24 Sep 2012 11:38:20 -0400, GuzzisRule
BTW, I'm seriously considering one of these:
It's possible to buy it in a variety of calibers for stopping bad guys, and also buy a conversion
kit to fire a .22 long rifle round for cheap target practice.
Good idea, huh?
It's too big for concealed carry of course. If you just want
something for inexpensive target practice, there are better guns such
as the S&W 41, Ruger III or an old High Standard Supermatic.
For home defense something like a 38 Special revolver is probably the
I've got an S&W Model 28, so I'm covered revolver-wise. For the cost of the S$W 41, I can almost get
the P226 *and* the conversion kit at my local military store.