Landed on our side, we did....
Just watched us land, again, on Mars. 2.5G. Very soft. Lander's
made for 40G. Looks like we rolled up, after all the bouncing, and
are on our side.
Simply amazing engineering masterpieces. Too bad the Realvideo feed
wasn't as good as the lander....(c;
They even think they have the comm glitch with Spirit figured out,
On the political front, it was amazing to see Gore standing there like
a dunce (after he invented the internet, of course) while Gov
Schwartzenegger was pouring questions out to the engineers and soaking
up the explanations that seemed to be way over Gore's level of
competence. Of course, while Arnold was in the room, all the other
VIP guests were simply ignored....especially by the NASA
Imagine transmitting on your marine VHF handitalkie and being heard by
powerful receivers on another planet. That's exactly what was taking
place as the spacecraft sent back audio tones to let us know how it
was doing. Just the communications engineering of it is simply
Larry W4CSC
Is it just me or did the US and UK just capture 1/3
of the world's sweetest oil supply? What idiot wants to