Garmin GPS Co-ordinates into Navman GPS = different location. Please help.
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Garmin GPS Co-ordinates into Navman GPS = different location. Please help.
Rodney Myrvaagnes wrote in message . ..
On 20 Jan 2004 17:11:07 -0800,
(Craig) wrote:
Thanks ,but I don`t have my Garmin anymore.Does anyone know the
formular to convert my Garmin co-ordinates?
Only the seconds will be different. If you have a Lat or Lon in form
DDDMMSS divide the seconds (SS) by 60 to get DDDMM.MMM
Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC J36 Gjo/a
"WooWooism lives" Anon grafitto on the base of the Cuttyhunk breakwater light
Thanks for the replies Dennis and Rodney,problem solved.
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