Mercruiser tilt problem, help
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Capt. Frank Hopkins
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Mercruiser tilt problem, help
Bad rams.... $300 ea. sorry...
Capt. Frank Hopkins
noah wrote:
On 09 Sep 2003 13:52:35 GMT,
(Jodon2) wrote:
Just bought a 21' Renken with a 3.7 Merc I/O. Problem is that the outdrive tilt
raised but now won't lower. Fluid is ok, tilt motor runs but won't engage to
lower unit. About a week ago unit worked fine. Thanks.
Usually this problem is caused by "dry" seals and/or pistons on the
tilt unit. Mild oxidation on the rams (pistons) can also do it.
There should also be grease fittings on the main "pivot" point
connecting the transom mounts to the engine housing. Use a good grade
marine lube on the pivot.
Try this: wipe a light coating of teflon grease onto the extended
pistons. Have some push the "trim down" button while you physically
push down on the lower unit. If you can push it down, the grease will
help lubricate the rams.
Next time you haul-out, give the trim rams and pivot a little TLC.
If this doesn't do it, you may have bad seals or a bad valve in the
pump, but I'd sooner think it was the rams and/or pivot.
Good luck,
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