SeaTalk update rate
Meindert Sprang wrote:
If you are able to read from the Seatalk bus, you can see how often other
instruments send their data, right?
Right - but as I a wrote, i don't have a SeaTalk instument here.
May Boat is sitting dry in winter storage. And I would like to continue my
And all I have on Board is Speed/Depth/Water Temperature and an Autopilot -
all Instruments that don't work without Water.
I would send Seatalk data for every received NMEA sentence. Otherwise you
would never know when the NMEA source has stopped sending (faulty
I guess i'll do that.
But when the boat stands still, the speed or position
never changes. This can't be correct - i guess.
I find that hard to believe. I have a GPS sitting on my desk and the speed
and bearing constantly vary, caused by the random 'noise' on a GPS fix.
Again, translate every sentence when it comes in and transmit it.
Ok. I will try with sending every time NMEA data come in.
Since Seatalk is binary, the datagrams are much shorter that NMEA
sentences, so your bandwidth is higher.
Good thought !!
Thank's for your help