too short summer...
Well since no one cares about boating here, I will just keep going.
Went out again yesterday, still got no feeeeesh but really don't try
all that hard. Lit off from Essex about 2pm and headed across to the
island beach. Lot's of dogs out there on the islands this summer, some
tended to, some not. I always keep mine away from others unfortunately
the way he looks he just seems to draw a crowd. Half chow, half
keeshound, all hair and golden color. Lot's of trouble with folks
reaching right into the jeep or running up to pet him... I have
decided with this dog, I just gotta' get used to it. Anyway, he swims
great, but hates it, I repeat hates the water. Heart rate goes right
to probably 200 and the feet start swimming in full panic mode. Our
last dog would just float across the pond with the life vest on and
hang with us. One of our fav things to do in the real hot summer is go
to the lake and all in pfd's slip over the side and drift with the
boat, eating, smoking, drinking, whatever just there in the water.
Anyway, ate some and swam. The water in the Connecticut River was
still a surprising 73 degrees on the incoming tide, what a beautiful
time of year up here. The river looks great with some big sailboats up
and down and I ran into a guy who built a wooden boat (swan 13 1/2')
that put me to shame. About 7 we cruised up river a ways and threw in
some stinky bunker (rotten bait fish) and ended up drifting behind the
island. The water was flat, the wind was null, there was no moon. A
few rafted boats partying here and there... I really miss being able
to crack open a cold one at times like that. Hangin' with my daughter,
fishin' swimmin' stayin' out real late... priceless...
Scotty SB